Learning as I go

In the last 5 years I have really taken to cooking. I didn't do much at first, some baking mostly. I have discovered it is a new passion of mine and felt that this would be a great way to share the many recipes that have come my way along with some originals of my own. In the last couple weeks we have started receiving CSA (Community Supported Agriculture) - local grown fruit and vegetables and boy have I had fun figuring out what all I can do with it. Ive been making and cooking things I never imagined I would. So if you have found a passion in cooking like I have you have come to the right place. I hope you enjoy!

Thursday, August 8, 2013

Blackberry Cobbler

I know I know, Ive been slacking in the blogging department but I have not been slacking in cooking. I have lots of new fun recipes to share with you. Its summertime so we started getting our CSA deliveries again and I have been getting crafty (and using google a lot lol). Summer also means Blackberries, they are all over around here and we have been on a picking mission. We have frozen most so I will be making lots of fun goodies. I didnt freeze the last batch as we were ready to enjoy some of these delicious berries! It was late and I wanted something quick and simple, so here it is.....

Blackberry Cobbler


3 cups of fresh blackberries
1 1/2 cups almond meal (finely ground almonds)
1 omega 3 enriched egg
2 tbsp coconut oil
A drizzle of raw organic honey
Cinnamon to taste

Coconut / Almond Milk


Preheat oven to 350. Pour the blackberries into a pie pan.  In a small bowl mix together the egg, almond meal, and coconut oil, and shake in a bunch of cinnamon.  Stir well.  The mixture will be really thick and clumpy.  If you wish, drizzle a bit of raw organic honey on top of the blackberries.  By hand (or if you have a 2 year old to help you, that works just as well…) crumble the almond meal mixture on top of the blackberries and bake in your pre-heated oven for 35 minutes.  Serve in bowls with cold coconut or almond milk poured over the top. You can also serve with coconut or almond ice cream.

Love & Enjoy!

Recipe courtesy of Everyday Paleo